About EstMeteo.com Project

Site www.EstMeteo.com contains weather forecasts for major Cities of Estonia.

Forecasts are generated automatically every 6 hours using unique algorythm, based on GFS metheorological model of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA. Forecasts are experimental and created for personal use only.
There are no human (synoptic) control over the results, so they can contain mistakes.

© Martmedia OU 2015-2019.

Terms of use

The information and services of Intermeteo.com are provided on an “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any warranty for title, information, services or products provided through Intermeteo.com and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non – infringement.

Forecasts are NOT designed for any use in in preparation, planning or implementing of tasks concerning human lives or any financial risks. The information contained in Intermeteo.com shall not be construed by its users as an advice or an incitement to perform or not a particular act. Intermeteo.com is not to be held liable for any damages or injury caused by any interruptions, errors, inaccuracies, corrections, deletions of the service

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